22 September 2015

Interative & Data-driven Styles with Mapbox GL JS

tl;dr: Mapbox GL JS feels like the future of web maps, promising data-driven styles (e.g. a color scale) and interaction-driven styles (e.g. :hover). They’re still in the works as first-class features of the API, but it’s possible–through some mild workarounds–to make them work today. Examples with code below.

Interactivity vs Rich Visual Style

Mapbox GL JS is awesome. Until it came along, there often seemed to be deep, difficult tradeoffs in web maps between interactivity and rich visual styling. For interactivity, you could send your geographic data to the browser as GeoJSON (or something) and render it there, but that meant there were real limits to how much you could feasibly visualize on your map. Alternatively, you could use a tool like Mapbox Studio Classic to render rich, beautiful, data-driven maps that could be served to the browser efficiently as image tiles, but then you wouldn’t have the underlying data: no data, no interactivity.

Libraries like Leaflet (and Mapbox.js, and many others) do a pretty great job at helping to do both of these at once, but as great as those libraries are, it’s still a weird dance decomposing a map into some layers that are static and richly visualized, and others that are interactive but leaner, data-wise. And maintaining such a setup over time can quickly progress from annoying to unmanageable.

Have & Eat Cake

With Mapbox GL, instead of having to juggle these two approaches, we genuinely get the best of both worlds. The server side serves up the geo data with astonishing efficiency using vector tiles, and the client side styles and renders it. It’s elegant and effective, and it’s the right division of responsibilities between client and server. (Read more here: What’s in a Mapbox Studio Style.)

Mapbox GL JS is easily badass enough already to be used for many production applications–e.g. at Dev Seed we used it to make an interactive visualization of electricity use in 600,000 villages across India every month for the past 20 years. It’s pretty easy to get started with it, too: it’s already documented with good examples of basic usage, and nice, complete API documentation.

But there are a couple of key pieces that are still in the works: namely, data-driven styles and interaction-driven styles. In the near future, it looks like both of these will be made first-class features of the API. When that happens, it will be possible to design these things directly from the new hotness that is Mapbox Studio (which is in private beta at the time I’m writing this). In the meantime, though, it’s actually not too hard to do it now. I’ll show how below, but if you’ve never touched Mapbox GL JS, it’s probably worth looking through the basic examples first.

Layers and Filters

The key to doing both of these is the filter feature of Mapbox GL styles. Each layer in a Mapbox GL style pulls features from a data source and paints them according to style rules (like fill-opacity, or text-size). Until data-driven styling is implemented, the values for these style rules have to be constant for each layer. But layers also have a filter property that lets us set up rules for which features they actually pull from the source, and these rules are data driven: they’re basically simple functions of the features’ properties.


Here’s a simple example of a ‘hover’ style. It works by making two copies of the layer of interest: one with the normal style, and one with the special hover style. Then, on mousemove, we use the featuresAt method to see what feature(s) we’re hovering over, and use that information to update the hover layer’s filter property to only select those features. In code:

// define the base style
var hoverStyle = {
  version: 8,
  name: 'Basic',
  sources: {
    'states': {
      'type': 'vector',
      'url': 'mapbox://devseed.6qvmq8pf'
  sprite: '',
  glyphs: '',
  layers: [{
    id: 'background',
    type: 'background',
    paint: { 'background-color': '#5b6b6b' }
  }, { // this is our normal layer to draw the states
    id: 'states',
    type: 'line',
    source: 'states',
    'source-layer': 'US-States',
    interactive: true,
    paint: { 'line-color': '#314040' }
  }, { // this layer will only styled the state that's currently hovered
    id: 'states-hover',
    type: 'fill',
    source: 'states',
    'source-layer': 'US-States',
    paint: { 'fill-color': '#0b1a1a' },
    filter: [ 'all',
      [ '==', 'GEOID10', 'NONE' ] // start with a filter that doesn't select anything

// start up the map
var hovermap = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container: 'hover-map',
  style: hoverStyle,
  center: [-74.50, 40],
  zoom: 4,
  minZoom: 3,
  maxZoom: 8

hovermap.on('mousemove', function (e) {
  // query the map for the under the mouse
  hovermap.featuresAt(e.point, { radius: 5, includeGeometry: true }, function (err, features) {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log(e.point, features)
    var ids = features.map(function (feat) { return feat.properties.GEOID10 })

    // set the filter on the hover style layer to only select the features
    // currently under the mouse
    hovermap.setFilter('states-hover', [ 'all',
      [ 'in', 'GEOID10' ].concat(ids)

Full code here.

Data-driven color scale

Here’s an example of making a color scale based on population density (stored as the pop_density property on each feature). Similar to the hover, it works by creating multiple layers–in this case, one for each level of the color scale. Then, for each level, we set the filter to select only the features that have a pop_density value in the relevant range for that level. In code:

var chorostyle = {
  version: 8,
  name: 'Basic',
  sources: {
    'us-counties': {
      'type': 'vector',
      'url': 'mapbox://devseed.us-counties'
  sprite: '',
  glyphs: '',
  layers: [{
    id: 'background',
    type: 'background',
    paint: { 'background-color': '#000' }

// the logarithmic scale we'll use
var breaks = [0, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384, 65536]

// for each level, we set the filter to choose features with population
// density values between two consecutive values from the scale
for (var p = 0; p < breaks.length; p++) {
  var filters
  if (p < breaks.length - 1) {
    filters = [ 'all',
      [ '>=', 'pop_density', breaks[p] ],
      [ '<', 'pop_density', breaks[p + 1] ]
  } else {
    filters = [ 'all',
      [ '>=', 'pop_density', breaks[p] ]
    id: 'counties-pop-' + p,
    type: 'fill',
    source: 'us-counties',
    'source-layer': 'counties',
    paint: {
      'fill-color': '#5b6b6b',
      // set the opacity based on the level
      'fill-opacity': (p + 1) / breaks.length
    filter: filters

var choro = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container: 'color-map',
  style: choroStyle,
  center: [-74.50, 40],
  zoom: 3

Full code here.


These are just the very simplest examples of the data-rich, interactive maps enabled by Mapbox GL JS. To take this stuff a bit further, check out Justin Miller’s Anatomy of a travel map, which walks through a more complete (and complex) application of these techniques, and also nicely explains how to create and upload your own vector tile data.